Academic Alert

One of the ways UNH can proactively support students is to identify those  students who are struggling early in the semester; the myWildcatSuccess platform provides the structure for an early alert system. On average,  80% of UNH faculty participate in the early alert Progress Report in Week 5, sending notifications to students who have missed class, assignments, or scored poorly on early quizzes/exams. Once alerted, an advisor reaches out  to the student and may also direct that student to campus resources. We expect that this early intervention may prevent an academic action at the end of the semester.

Continuous progress reporting begin after the initial Week 5 Progress Report, so that faculty can go into mWS at any point (preferably before week 8 when an intervention is most impactful) and alert a student who is having academic difficulty. 

Academic alerts are submitted through myWildcatSuccess. For non-academic concerns, submit a Student Concern Referral.

Early Alert Progress Reports

In week 5, you will receive an email with a link to your progress report roster. You will be asked to report on the progress of all undergraduate degree students in your courses. Students receive the following automated message when you submit an at-risk progress report:

Your instructor is concerned about your progress in this course. We want to be sure you have the academic support you need, so I am reaching out to encourage you to see your instructor for any extra help you might require. Also, please contact your academic advisor if you feel that you need extra support. They are committed to looking out for you and will help you decide how best to approach the challenges you are facing.

You can learn more about your instructor’s specific concerns by logging into
my Wildcat Success and reviewing the submitted progress reports and notes. (Full instructions are here.) I wish you the best as you work to improve your performance.

UNH Student Success

Continuous Progress Reports

After the week 5 early alert period, you can submit an alert for all undergraduate degree students in your course(s).


  1. Go to
  2. Search and select myWildcatSuccess
  3. Log-in using your UNH username and password

Submit an alert

You can submit progress reports from your Professor Home page in myWildcatSuccess. Instructions can be found here.

The progress report is only available for undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program. You are not able to submit alerts for students taking non-degree classes or graduate students.

Alert Reason


Advising Action

Grade Concern

(only select one alert reason for each student))

You can use this reason for grade concerns. Please include the current grade in the grade column.

Student and advisor receive an automated email. Professional advisors review submitted alerts and provide outreach to the student, if appropriate

Lack of Engagement in Course

(only select one alert reason for each student)

You can use this reason for attendance and participation courses. If it is an online course, you can use this reason to indicate that a student isn’t logging into myCourses.

Student and advisor receive an automated email. Professional advisors review submitted alerts and provide outreach to the student, if appropriate. 

Missing Assignments

(only select one alert reason for each student)

You can use this reason if a student is missing assignments or exams.

Student and advisor receive an automated email. Professional advisors review submitted alerts and provide outreach to the student, if appropriate. 

Student Currently Failing Course

(only select one alert reason for each student)

You can use this reason if a student is currently failing or at risk of failing.

Student and advisor receive an automated email. A professional advisor will provide outreach to the student.

Keep up the good work! You can use this to provide positive reinforcement to a student. Student receives an automated email indicating that you have noticed their good work.

Once a student is identified, professional advisors begin appropriate outreach to the student. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Kirylych, Director of Advising, at For non-academic concerns, submit a Student Concern Referral.

What if I have multiple concerns for one student?

Please select the primary alert reason only. Selecting multiple reasons sends duplicate notifications to students and advisors.

What if I am concerned about a Durham or CPS Online student in a Manchester course?

You can complete the Continuous Progress report. The student will receive an automated email message referring them to their assigned advisor and their primary advisor will be notified.

What if I am concerned about a non-degree in a Manchester course?

You can speak directly with the student. Non-degree students are not included in the progress reporting process and do not receive outreach or support form professional advisors.

What if I am concerned about a graduate student in a Manchester course?

You can speak directly with the student.

What if I already submitted an alert and have new or continued concerns?

You can submit multiple alerts throughout the semester. Professional advisors strive to provide appropriate outreach to students. However, students don’t always respond to our outreach. We will make multiple outreach attempts before closing a case.