Welcome to UNH Manchester
This get acquainted handbook has been prepared to help you understand the employment practices at our organization and the benefits the University of New Hampshire offers. Staff handbooks are intended to provide an overview of policies (such as promotions, meal and break periods, overtime, absenteeism, etc.), procedures, and standards (such as confidentiality and business ethics) for the PAT and operating staff of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH).
It is the policy of the University System of New Hampshire and each of its component institutions to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons regardless of gender, race, color, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or veteran's status pursuant to, but not limited to, Federal Executive Orders 11246 and 11375 and RSA 345A (1965) of the General Laws of New Hampshire, and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
UNH Manchester is a college of the University of New Hampshire. The University of New Hampshire is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.
The UNH Manchester faculty is its greatest asset. A core of residential faculty members enjoy a reputation for excellent teaching, scholarly achievement in their fields, and service to the community. They are recognized scholars and have acquired national and international reputations. Most importantly, UNH Manchester’s dedicated faculty members are outstanding instructors who care about each individual student. Faculty members work closely with students as advisors and help students define their goals, plan career objectives, and develop an individualized program of study within each major.
Each semester approximately 1,200 degree and continuing education students attend UNH Manchester. The student population is composed of a unique mix of traditional college-age students (18-23 years old) and adults, reflects the region’s diverse ethnicity. UNH Manchester’s small classes encourage interaction between faculty and students and offer educational excellence. Students at UNH Manchester find a place to grow, a place to explore, and a place to enrich their lives.
As the urban campus of the University of New Hampshire, UNH Manchester provides access to public higher education for people who live and work in the greater Merrimack Valley. Located in the heart of the I-93 corridor, UNH Manchester is a vital part of the educational, economic, and cultural life of central and southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts, serving the needs of a diverse urban population and bringing the resources of the state’s flagship university to the urban center. UNH Manchester is committed to the economic growth and welfare of the region, encouraging students to connect their work in the university with their lives in their communities.
- Offers selected liberal arts and professional degree programs at the associate, and baccalaureate levels and makes available graduate programs offered by UNH Durham;
- Emphasizes programs that address urban issues and focus on civic and community engagement;
- Serves a wide variety of students: full-time and part-time, traditional and nontraditional and other students with diverse needs;
- Actively strives to identify, recruit, and retain students, faculty, and staff from under-represented groups;
- Has a vibrant internship program;
- Maintains a small student/faculty ratio; and
- Encourages and supports research and scholarship by the entire UNH Manchester community.
Founded in 1866, the University of New Hampshire is a public university serving an undergraduate population of 12,500 students. Recognized among public universities for the quality of the academic experience it provides to its students, UNH is also a rising star among research universities, yet it retains the look and feel of a New England liberal arts college with a faculty dedicated to teaching.
A comprehensive land-, sea-, and space-grant university, UNH offers diverse curricula in which students are encourages to pursue their interests across disciplinary lines.
The way you look, dress and act is vitally important to the organization. Due to the institution’s frequent interaction with the public, standards of personal appearance and personal apparel have been determined a clean, neat appearance is expected.
Available for your inspection and can be reviewed in the UNH Human Resources office only. You may request copies of material contained in the files. Third parties are not entitled to inspect files. A third party is someone other than you, your designee, or officials of the university. Information is available to third parties if requested in writing and with the employee's written consent. The official personnel file is maintained by UNH Human Resources. If other unofficial personnel files exist, they are subject to the same conditions as those applicable to the official file.
The university has made a strong policy statement regarding sexual harassment: no member of the university community may sexually harass another. Violations of the sexual harassment policy will not be permitted and any faculty or staff who violates this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Any supervisor who knows about a sexual harassment problem will report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office. This should include a brief written description of the complaint (names need not be revealed) and any action taken. Written procedures are available for resolution of sexual harassment complaints.
The University of New Hampshire falls under the mandates of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession of use of a controlled substance by university employees on university premises or off our premises while conducting UNH business is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and may have further legal consequences. A report of conviction under a drug criminal statute must be made to the immediate supervisor within five (5) days after the conviction. If the employee is covered by a grant or contract, the university must notify the contracting agency within ten (10) days.
The university recognizes controlled substance dependency as an illness and a major health, as well as a potential safety or security, problem. Employees are encouraged to seek assistance by contacting the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or by calling (800) 424-1749, as well as utilizing health insurance and appropriate leave of absence plans. Conscientious efforts to seek such help will not jeopardize any employee's job and will not be noted in the personnel file.
In conjunction with the State of New Hampshire law governing smoking in public places and university policy, smoking is allowed only in designated areas. A person who smokes in a non-smoking area is guilty of a violation of the criminal code. Contact Environmental Health and Safety, 862-4041, for more information.
Security Services is a division of the University Police Department. Security officers patrol the Manchester campus on a regular, daily basis. Security officers receive in-service training as well as training from the New Hampshire Public Safety Academy. Security officers are NOT sworn law enforcement personnel and do NOT have the power of arrest; however they work very closely with the Manchester Police Department and other city departments.
Security officers are on duty, during the operating hours, to assist members of the university community. Security provides patrols of the campus buildings and parking lots, provides key services to authorized personnel, administers the non-academic materials lost and found, issues parking permits and enforces parking on campus, provides Safety Escorts, issues school IDs, and maintains the campus crime log (open to the public at request). Emergency phone contact 641-4333 or 1-4333 from any UNH phone.
Our Mission
To fulfill the university's educational mission by enhancing the performance of faculty, staff, and students through the provision of excellent service, innovative solutions, and visionary leadership.
Our Vision
To be a national leader of innovative HR service delivery within the higher education area. To be considered by all levels of the university as a key strategic partner because of the value we provide. To be one of the most sought after places within the university to work because of job satisfaction, professional development, and reputation for excellence.
The Office of Human Resources is located on the 3rd floor of the Pandora building. Our mailing address is: 88 Commercial St, Manchester, NH 03101. You may contact us at (603) 641-4332 for information and assistance or visit the HR website. The Office of Human Resources is available to support you with services in the following areas:
- Benefits counseling
- Career opportunity coaching
- Classification
- Employee records
- Employee relations
- Personnel policies and procedures
- Professional & organizational development
- Recruitment and onboarding
Assists students, faculty and staff in resolving problems of harassment (based on e.g., race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and disability). Provides educational and outreach support. Call (603) 862-2930 V/TTY.
Tobacco policy, hazardous materials, emergency evacuation procedures, occupational health & safety, safety training, accidents and/or occupational injuries: (603) 862-4041
Generates payroll checks for all employees; generates all W-2 (annual wage) tax statements: (603) 862-1400
Contact Human Resources online or by phone at (603) 641-4332 to report an accident or occupational illness. If Human Resources is not available, contact Susan Wilbur at (603) 862-0547.
The University of New Hampshire at Manchester is committed to providing students with disabilities with a learning experience which assures them equal access to all programs and facilities of the university, which makes all reasonable academic aids and adjustments for their disabilities and provides them with maximum independence and the full range of participation in all areas of life at UNH Manchester.
Significant barriers to providing equal and accessible services to individuals with disabilities are lack of awareness, understanding, and our own insecurities.
“What should I do?” “What should I say?” “How do I communicate?”
Uncertainty is often uncomfortable and awkward. It is perfectly natural to feel apprehensive when a situation is new or difficult. A key point to remember is that individuals with disabilities are people.
Below are additional resources available to you:
1. Record serial numbers, brand names, and descriptions of valuables which are kept in your office; keep a duplicate copy of this information in a different location.
2. Never leave a wallet or purse lying out on top of your desk. Place it in a drawer or somewhere out of sight. If you are leaving the room, lock this drawer. It takes only about eight seconds for someone to walk into a room and take something.
3. Leave large sums of money home or in a safe place. DO NOT bring them to work with you each day.
4. Require photo identification and authorization from "repairmen" wanting to remove a piece of equipment from your office for servicing.
5. Notify your supervisor of anyone acting suspiciously or contact Security 641-4101.
6. Never loan equipment or keys to strangers. Even if you know the borrower, it is best to accompany him or her with the necessary keys. REMEMBER, THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
7. When leaving your office for the day, make sure: all windows are locked and correctly closed; all valuables are removed from the desktops and locked away; all desks and files are locked; all doors are closed and locked, including outside entrances.
8. NEVER PROP OPEN A DOOR for anyone. If you are working late with someone, set a time to meet that person at the entrance to let him or her in.
9. Remove any identification tags from key rings. That way if they are lost or stolen, they cannot be associated with your office.
10. Report all locks, windows, doors, and lights in need of repair to the appropriate people.
11. If you witness or are a victim of a crime, no matter how small, report it immediately to the Human Resources or Security. Unreported crimes cannot be solved.
12. Review and share this information with co-workers, especially to new or transferring employees.
Welcome to UNH Manchester. The college enjoys a reputation for its teaching excellence, and we want to make your teaching experience enjoyable.
This page provides you with some additional information about the college and available resources. If you have additional questions, please contact Dan Reagan, Associate Dean, at 603-641-4131.
All adjuncts will have a UNH email account while actively teaching at UNH Manchester. Access to email can be done through Blackboard by selecting “Exchange Via Outlook Web” or by going to Outlook Exchange. To setup your account and set your password:
- Go to the MyUNH website at https://my.unh.edu/
- Select the "Login Help" tab
- Select the "New User" link
- Follow the on-screen directions to get your username and to set your password. You will be asked for your assigned Employee ID number, and your date of birth.”
Adjunct faculty are provided with a UNH employee photo ID card. Our security staff, located in the reception area on the second floor of 88 Commercial Street, issues employee IDs. If you already have one from UNH Durham, you do not need to get another from Manchester.
There is designated faculty/staff parking area located at WMUR and on the roof deck adjacent to campus (roof deck parking is determined each semester via lottery). Do not park in other areas as you may be towed.
A permit is required for parking in faculty/staff areas. Our security staff, located in the reception area on the second floor of 88 Commercial Street, issues parking permits. Faculty parking permits for UNH Durham are honored at UNH Manchester. The security staff will also provide you with a key fob which is required for entry into the building from the faculty/staff parking area.
There are two designated spaces available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Both Wildcat Den Work Space #1 (Room 451) and Wildcat Den Work Space #2 (Room 457) are available for adjunct faculty as well as visiting UNH Durham employees. Please do not leave your items unattended and leave the doors opened and unlocked.