Campus Safety

With trained security officers, safety programs and regular awareness events, your safety is our priority both on and off campus.

Our officers are graduates of the New Hampshire Campus Safety Academy and work directly with Manchester Police Department to ensure a safe and secure environment for our college community.


Campus Safety
Phone: (603) 641-4124

Emergency management

Campus Initiatives

Public Education

UNH Manchester hosts safety awareness displays in the library each semester, advocating for raised awareness and prevention of sexual assault and rape. Related events and services are available during April for Sexual Assault Awareness month and October for Domestic Violence Awareness month.

WalkSafe Program

The WalkSafe Program is a free walking escort service for the University community. Contact campus security by email or call us at (603) 641-4124 for more information.

Sexual harassment and rape prevention program (SHARPP)

SHARPP provides 24/7, free, and confidential services to UNH Manchester students, staff, & faculty impacted by interpersonal violence.  

Interpersonal Violence (IPV) can include: 

  • Sexual Assault 

  • Stalking 

  • Sexual Harassment 

  • Relationship Abuse 

SHARPP’s Expanded Services Coordinator, Caroline Young, is available to meet virtually year-round Mondays-Fridays 9am-4pm and is on Manchester’s campus on Mondays during the Fall and Spring semesters (in Room 471). If you’d like to book a confidential appointment with her schedule an appointment here. SHARPP Advocates are also available 24/7 via our Crisis Line: 603-862-SAFE (7233).

uSafeUS App

uSafeUS can help protect you. video overview

  • It can help you leave an uncomfortable or risky situation by sending you a fake text or phone call.  
  • It lets you discreetly alert a bartender or wait staff if you need help.
  • It lets you alert friends (by text and GPS) to follow up with you, if you don’t arrive when expected – for example when walking home alone from the library at night.
  • Allows you to use your phone as an alarm, to alert attention to bystanders that you need help.

uSafeUS provides critical resources in the event of sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking.

  • It provides immediate access to help and support.
  • It explains your options if you (or a friend) experience sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking.
  • Contains resources for male survivors, students who identify as transgender, students who identify as LGBQ, and multi-cultural students.

uSafeUS is easy to get, and easy to use.

  • Available from the App Store and Google Play; free and confidential.
  • Hundreds of students provided input on the uSafeUS design.
UNH Police Department

University Police offer excellent programs in campus safety strategies. Learn more online, or contact campus security by email or call us at (603) 641-4124.

Emergency Protocols & Storm Closings

In the event of a campus emergency or severe weather, UNH Manchester may curtail operations to ensure the safety of the college community.  

Safety and storm closings

UNH Alert

UNH Alert is an alert system that allows the University of New Hampshire to contact you during an emergency by sending text messages. 

Register to receive alerts

Clery Report

The Clery Report information is provided to meet the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

This report has been prepared by the University of New Hampshire Police Department, Division of Security (Security Services) using statistical and other information supplied by Academic Counseling, Security Services and the Manchester N.H. Police Department.

Additional Resources

Whether you are a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence, or know someone who is, you do not have to deal with it alone.

State & Local Resources
National Resources

Manchester Police Department

Manchester Police Department’s community police liaison presents gender neutral workshops for UNH Manchester students for personal safety on an urban campus.

The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester

UNH Manchester contracts with The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester to provide clinical counseling support to part-time degree students without health insurance.

Additionally, the Mental Health Center offers critical incident counseling services to students, faculty and staff in the event of a traumatic campus event.

Pastoral Counseling

UNH Manchester has developed relationships with local faith-based organizations from a variety of religious and spiritual backgrounds to offer the college community pastoral support in times of crisis, loss or challenge.

YWCA of New Hampshire

Awareness Events: The YWCA hosts awareness tables at the start of each academic semester to raise awareness about relationship violence and sexual assault and service available at the YWCA.

The Clothesline Project: UNH Manchester participates in the Clothesline Project to raise awareness about violence against women. Join us to decorate a t-shirt and hang it on the clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women.

Take a Stand Against Racism: UNH Manchester joins with the YWCA of New Hampshire each year to Take Stand Against Racism and raise awareness for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. 

The Emergency, Health and Safety Committee (EHSC) is dedicated to creating a safe campus environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors through effective safety and health programs. EHSC is responsible for establishing appropriate health and safety policies as well as programs and procedures aligned with federal regulations and guidelines regarding workplace safety and emergency preparedness.

Purpose & Responsibilities

The University of New Hampshire at Manchester acknowledges its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment, and to educate the UNH community about workplace safety and health. EHSC responsibilities include:

  • Develop, review and update written programs and procedures to ensure compliance with OSHA, New Hampshire Department of Labor, applicable regulations and recognized consensus safety standards.
  • Serve as an advisory body to the UNH Environmental Health and Safety Committee on policies and procedures to ensure the health and safety of all faculty, staff, students and visitors at UNH Manchester.
  • Obtain and analyze available data on past injuries and illnesses, identify trends and suggest appropriate corrective actions.
  • Review EHSC Charter annually, at minimum.
  • Communicate workplace safety and health policies and procedures to academic and administrative departments.
  • Ensure that departmental personnel are in compliance with workplace safety and health policies, procedures and training requirements as laid forth in each approved occupational safety or health program.
  • Inform faculty and staff of changes in rules and recommendations of various government agencies concerned with workplace health and safety.

The EHSC is representative of the community, including members from academic and administrative divisions on campus. It is the committee's responsibility to advise the Dean and administratively coordinate the various safety-related efforts at UNH Manchester.

Full voting membership of the EHSC includes the Director of Administration and Finance, the Associate Dean, the Facilities Manager, the Director of Information Technology, the Director of Human Resources, the Supervisor of Security, the UNH Director of Environmental Health and Safety and the UNH Assistant Director of Environmental Health and Safety. In addition, UNH Manchester Biosafety Officer and Chemical Safety Officer are designated as ex-officio non-voting members.

Chair and Vice-Chair are elected for 3 year terms with a majority vote, and the EHSC Chair shall be a member of the UNH Environmental Health and Safety Committee.


The EHSC meets at least once each calendar quarter, or more, at the discretion of the Chair. A quorum consists of 50 percent of present membership. All voting members present are entitled to vote. Between meetings, interim decisions by a majority of all voting members via a mailed ballot or email, but such decisions shall not be considered final until ratified by vote at a called meeting of the EHSC. Parliamentary procedures shall be determined by Robert's Rules of Order, as appropriate. Individuals who cannot attend an EHSC meeting due to a University-sponsored event or sabbatical should appoint a designated alternate to serve during their absence, and notify the committee chair.

The minutes of EHSC meetings, together with all reports submitted to the EHSC, serve as official documentation of items discussed and action taken. The minutes of each meeting shall include the date of the meeting, the members present and absent, a summary of deliberations and discussions and recommended action items. Following each meeting, minutes shall be posted on the appropriate Blackboard site.

Emergency Procedures Program

  1. The University of New Hampshire, Durham and Manchester campuses, is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  2. The use and possession of all firearms, other dangerous weapons intended to inflict injury, or explosives are prohibited on the Durham and Manchester core campuses of the University of New Hampshire. Law enforcement officers duly authorized to carry such instruments are excepted.
  3. Weapons may be stored on campus under the control or direction of the Chief of the University Police Department and in accordance with the policy and procedures of the University Police Department.
  4. The Chief of Police may grant permission in writing to an individual, academic or research department, or operational department to possess a weapon or ammunition on campus for instructional or other qualified purposes and in other special circumstances and conditions as approved by the Chief of Police.
  5. Any person violating this policy will be subject to appropriate legal and administrative action, provisions of state laws and be subjected to sanctions under applicable process for just cause.