Transfer Credit Rules
For course credit to transfer into UNH from another institution, the following criteria must be met:
- An official transcript has been provided by the school where the course was taken, and all final grades are listed.
- The course was taken at an institution fully accredited by a regional association of schools and colleges.
- The grade earned in the class was at least a "C-" or its equivalent.
- The course was not remedial or vocational in nature or taken as part of a non-credit certificate program. For a complete listing of UNH courses use our online catalog.
Mathematics coursework must be completed at the Pre-Calculus level, or higher, to transfer. No credit is awarded for mathematics courses which duplicate high school level Algebra or below. Credit is accepted for Finite Mathematics and Statistics courses.
To receive credit for elementary level foreign language coursework, a student cannot have completed two or more years of study in that same language in high school.
Credit will not be awarded for any course taken the semester immediately following any academic suspension or dismissal from UNH; or while taking an approved leave of absence from UNH.
NOTE: Current students are required to complete a Transfer Credit Prior Approval Form before enrolling in courses at another college or university.
Students who wish to receive credit for Advanced Placement exams from high school or the College Level Examination Program must have official scores sent directly from the College Board to UNH. More information is available online here.
The maximum credits accepted in transfer from all external sources:
- 96 semester hours towards a bachelor’s degree.
- 48 semester hours towards an associate degree.
- 72 semester hours from associate level coursework to be applied to a bachelor’s degree (this restriction does not apply to associate degree programs at UNH-Manchester or the Thompson School of Applied Science).
A course taken at another institution may not be used under the UNH repeated course rule. If credit is received for a UNH course, and an equivalent course is taken at another institution, no transfer credit will be allowed. Departments may accept equivalent course work at other institutions for grade only to satisfy departmental requirements, but no credit will be awarded.
For more information about transfer credit, please review the UNH Catalog, the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities, or our Advising FAQ page.