Alison Paglia

Alison Paglia

Chair, Department of Life Sciences
Phone: (603) 641-4103
Office: Life Sciences, 88 Commercial Street, RM 523, Manchester, NH 03101

Alison Paglia’s teaching focus is on research methods, developmental psychology, and health psychology. Many of her courses have an applied focus, as she requires her students to apply course material to real world settings.<br><br>She has been formally recognized for her ability to connect service to the community with course content. The service learning partnership for students in Adult Development and Aging between UNH Manchester and Pearl Manor at Birch Hill Terrace (formerly Pearl Manor at Hillcrest Terrace) was acknowledged for its success in service to the community and enhancement of the students’ academic experience. Campus Compact of New Hampshire awarded Professor Paglia the 2004 President’s Good Steward Award, and awarded Pearl Manor at Hillcrest the 2004 President’s Community Partner Award. Professor Paglia and Neila Dagget, former Activities Director at Pearl Manor were also the recipients of the 2004 UNH Manchester Dean’s Award for Service to the Community and College.<br><br>Dr. Paglia’s research and service work also have an applied focus. Dr. Paglia’s partnerships have included the NH Cooperative Extension, Southern New Hampshire AIDS Task Force, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services STD/HIV Prevention Section, Easter Seals / Seniors Count, the Manchester YWCA, and the Concord Boys and Girls Club.

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 401: Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC 502: Research Methods in Psychology
  • PSYC 791: Top/Adult Development & Aging
  • PSYC 791W: SpcTop/Adult Develop & Aging
  • UMST 500: Internship


  • Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, Texas Tech University
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology, Texas Tech University
  • B.A., Psychology, Texas Tech University

Selected Publications

  • Paglia, A. K., & Parsons, L. T. (2005). Nontraditional Students. In University Teaching A Reference Guide For Graduate Students And Faculty. Syracuse University Press.

  • Paglia, A. K., & Knowles, J. M. (2004). The K-P Model of Collaborative Mathematics Support: A Holistic Approach. The Learning Assistance Review, 9(1), 31-48.

  • Paglia, A. K., & Donahue, A. E. (2003). Collaboration Works: Integrating Information Competencies in Psychology Curricula. Reference Services Review, 31(4), 320-328.

  • Paglia, A. K., & Bell, R. W. (1998). Alcoholism in the Workplace: The Co-Worker’s Perspective. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 16(3), 39-49.