Courses Taught
- HLS 410: Intro Homeland Security
- HLS 415: Corporate Security
- HLS 480: Professional Skills in HLS\Hon
- HLS 510: Fundamentals of Emergency Mana
- HLS 595: IndStdy/HLS 510 Fndmntls of EM
- HLS 610: Exercise Design and Evaluation
- HLS 630: Sports/Large Event Security
- HLS 695: IndStdy/Sport Sec&Lrg Events
Selected Publications
Schilling, A. (2001). The Nozomi Mission To Mars. Mars Society Youth Chronicles: Exploration, Issue 9, Spring 2001(March 23, 2001), 3. Retrieved from http://chapters.marssociety.org/youth/mc/pdf/MChronicles9.pdf
Schilling, A. (1995). United Nations Military Observer Duty. Military Police Journal, PB 19-95-1(Spring 1995), 26-28. Retrieved from https://www.fleta.gov/accreditation/academy/army-military-police-school
Schilling, A. (1991). Somalia Evacuation Revisited. Marine Corps Gazette, (June 1991), 11.
Schilling, A. (1991). Force Protection: Military Police Experience in Panama. Military Review, Volume LXX(March 1991), 19-27. Retrieved from https://usacac.army.mil/organizations/cace/cgsc
Schilling, A. (1990). Force Protection: Military Police Experience in Panama, Part 2. Military Police Journal, PB 19-90-2(December 1990), 12-14.
Schilling, A., & Sims, D. R. (1990). Breakout from Sandomierz Bridgehead. Field Artillery, HQDA PB6-90-5(October 1990), 20-24. Retrieved from https://sill-www.army.mil/usafas/
Schilling, A. (1990). Force Protection: Military Police Experience in Panama, Part 1. Military Police Journal, (June 1990), 6-9. Retrieved from https://www.fleta.gov/accreditation/academy/army-military-police-school
Sims, D. R., & Schilling, A. (1990). The Battle for Jaffna: Artillery Lessons Learned. Field Artillery, (April 1990), 27-30. Retrieved from https://sill-www.army.mil/usafas/
Schilling, A. (1987). 65th MP Company Goes South, Unit Performs Low Intensity Conflict
Mission”. The McClellan News, 40th Anniversary Military Police Issue.. The McClellan News, 40th Anniversary Military Police Issue., September 24, 1987(40th Anniversary Military Police Issue.), 6.