Maeve Dion is a teacher, researcher, communicator, and policy writer in the areas of national and international cyber security, internet policy, and global governance. She specializes in the legal, economic, policy, and educational issues relating to critical infrastructure protection, particularly information infrastructure. As an educator, Maeve has broad international experience and pedagogical concentrations in security, law, and civil service.<br><br>Before joining UNH Manchester, Maeve worked for the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University, Sweden, teaching in the Master of Law & IT program. Teaching activities included classes in IT law, telecoms law, jurisprudence, national security law, and American business law. Maeve remains an active doctoral candidate at Stockholm University; the working title for her dissertation is: “International Cyber Security Preparedness, Response, and Accountability: A ‘Critical Infrastructure Protection’ Approach to Assessing the Need for International Cyber Laws.”<br><br>Maeve has supported various efforts of the EU, the Council of Europe, the OECD, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, the U.S. DOD and DHS, and the U.S. President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee, among others. Maeve was appointed to the Committee of Experts on cross-border flow of Internet traffic and Internet freedom (MSI-INT) for the Council of Europe, serving as rapporteur for a draft recommendation which was then revised at political levels and adopted by the Committee of Ministers as Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the free, transboundary flow of information on the Internet. This MSI-INT committee also prepared a report on freedom of assembly and association on the Internet; and drafted a second recommendation which became the Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Internet freedom.<br><br>Maeve has her J.D. from George Mason University in the United States, and from 2004-2010 was researcher and program director at the GMU Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security. During this time, Maeve conducted research encompassing homeland security aspects of telecommunications and information technology; national security restrictions on foreign investment; federalism and homeland security government responsibilities; national security restrictions on open government laws; use of the military in support of civil authorities; privacy and identity theft; and education programs in homeland security and critical infrastructure protection. She provided support for projects such as the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security’s Hurricane Katrina after-action report, and the National Research Council’s Assessment of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Security Program, and she participated as an academic member of the Education, Training, and Outreach Awareness Working Group of the DHS Office of Infrastructure Protection. As Program Manager for Cyber and Education, Maeve originated the concept, wrote the unsolicited proposal, and led the effort resulting in a contract with the Department of Homeland Security to improve the quality and quantity of critical infrastructure protection curricula within higher education. Valued at more than $830k, this sole-source contract was awarded in spring 2010 and resulted in the Critical Infrastructure Higher Education Initiative (completed by the GMU Center after Maeve’s transition to Sweden in 2010).<br><br>Maeve has numerous publications and working papers. Public speaking engagements have taken her to Canada, Europe, Australia, and the UAE (and various states in the USA). She has organized expert workshops and conferences in Dubai, Tallinn, and the Washington, D.C., area.
Courses Taught
- CPRM 840: Cybersecurity Standards & Laws
- CPRM 880: Cybersec Metrics & Evaluation
- GRAD 900: Master's Continuing Research
- HLS 520: Law and Policy
Selected Publications
Ramsay, J. D., Cozine, K., & Comiskey, J. (2020). Theoretical Foundations of Homeland Security. In J. D. Ramsay, K. Cozine, & J. Comiskey (Eds.). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429259920
Dion, M., & Pitts, H. (2012). Legal Constructs and Cyber Conflict. In J. Mulvenon, & G. Rattray (Eds.), Addressing Cyber Instability (pp. 177-282). Cyber Conflict Studies Association.
Ryan, D., Dion, M., Tikk, E., & Ryan, J. (2011). International Cyberlaw: a Normative Approach. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 42(4), 1161-1197.
Brenner, S., & Dion, M. (2010). Civilians in Information Warfare: Conscription of Telecom Networks and State Responsibility for International Cyber Defense. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION WARFARE AND SECURITY (pp. 49-55). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Dion, M. (2010). Different Legal Constructs for State Responsibility. In E. Tikk, & A. -M. Talihärm (Eds.), International Cyber Security: Legal and Policy Proceedings (pp. 67-75). Tallinn, Estonia: Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.
McCarthy, J., Dion, M., Pacheco, O., & Burrow, C. (2009). Cyberpower and Critical Infrastructure Protection: A Critical Assessment of Federal Efforts. In F. Kramer, S. Starr, & L. Wentz (Eds.), Cyberpower and National Security (pp. 543-556). Potomac Books Incorporated.
McCarthy, J., & Dion, M. (2006). Research & Development: Critical Information Infrastructure Protection in the U.S.. In 1st CI2RCO Conference on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection. Rome, Italy.