Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion
We strive to create a collegial and supportive community that values differences of opinion and disagreement along with civility and consensus, and in which all of its members are valued for their contributions and are appropriately recognized and rewarded for what they do.
Diversity: A UNH Community Value
We are committed to supporting and sustaining an educational community that is inclusive, diverse and equitable. The values of diversity, inclusion and equity are inextricably linked to our mission of teaching and research excellence and we embrace these values as being critical to development, learning, and success.
- We expect nothing less than an accessible, multicultural community in which civility and respect are fostered, and discrimination and harassment are not tolerated.
- We will ensure that under-represented groups and those who experience systemic inequity will have equal opportunities and feel welcome on our campus.
- We accept the responsibility of teaching and learning in a diverse democracy where social justice serves as a bridge between a quality liberal education and civic engagement.
The Office of Student Engagement is committed to diversity and inclusivity. From ASL Club, ISO & True Colors club events, to Drag Bingo, to Visibility week, our office here supports all endeavors.
Examples of past and present student engagement have included:
- Access, Leadership and Empowerment Conference hosted by the NH College & University Council
- Student American Sign Language Club
- rue Colors Student Club (LGBTQ+)
- Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
- Intercultural Student Organization (ISO)
- Students in Action: Service Club
- Student Veterans of America Chapter
A critical component of a liberal education is the capacity to see human experience from the point of view of others who encounter and interpret the world in significantly different ways.
The courses listed below contain components that center on diversity and inclusion. Focus areas may include populations like minorities or impoverished groups; relationships between gender, culture and power; and the privilege and marginalization in the economics, politics or ecology of societies.
ANTH 411: Global Perspectives on the Human Condition
ASL 435: Introduction to American Sign Language I
ASL 436: American Sign Language II
ASL 531: American Sign Language III
ASL 532: American Sign Language IV
ASL 599: Special Topics in American Sign Language/Deaf Studies
ASL 621: American Sign Language Discourse I
ASL 622: American Sign Language Discourse II
BUS 705: Business Ethics
CA 501: Internship/Communication in the Urban Community
CA 502: Image and Sound
CA 539: Communicating in Families
CA 536: LGBT Images and Perspectives
CA 540: Public Relations
CA 601: Exploring Relationships
CA 612: Narrative
CHIN 401: Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 401: Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 503: Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 504: Intermediate Chinese II
CMN 455: Introduction to Media Studies
CMN 456: Propaganda and Persuasion
CMN 457: Introduction to Language and Social Interaction
COMP 560: Ethics and the Law in the Digital Age
ECN 640: Business Law and Economics
EDU 500: Exploring Teaching
EDUC 703F/803F: Teaching Elementary School Science
EDUC 703M/803M: Teaching Elementary Social Studies
EDUC 700/800: Educational Structure and Change
EDUC 897: Language and Culture in Schools
EDUC 957: Collaborative Models of Teaching, Learning and Leading
ENGL 595: Writing Fiction – Topic Dependent
ENGL 681: Introduction to African Literatures in English
ENGL 785: Major Women Writers
ENGL 787: Culture and Theory in Digital Age
ENGL 792/89: Teaching Literature and Literacy
ENGL 797/800: Women Behaving Badly
ENGL 994: Practicum in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
FREN 401: Elementary French I
FREN 402: Elementary French II
GEOG 401: Regional Geography of the Non-Western World
HIST 421: World History to the 16th Century
HIST 425: Islamic Civilization
HIST 425W: Foreign Cultures/Egypt
HIST 435W: Origins of European Society
HIST 600: Exploring War and Political Violence in Modern History
HLS 580: Environmental and Human Security
INTR 430: Introduction to Interpretation
INTR 438: A Socio/Cultural Perspective on the Deaf Community
INTR 439: Ethics and Professional Standards for Interpreters
INTR 539: Comparative Linguistic Analysis for Interpreters
INTR 540: Translation
INTR 599: Interpreting in Classroom: K-12
INTR 599: Frozen Text Translation
INTR 630: Consecutive Interpretation I
INTR 636: Consecutive Interpretation II
INTR 732: Simultaneous Interpretation
INTR 734: Field Experience and Seminar I
INTR 735: Field Experience and Seminar II
ITAL 401: Elementary Italian I
ITAL 402: Elementary Italian II
MUSI 401: Introduction to Music
MUSI 405: Survey of Music in America
PHIL 430: Ethics and Society
PHIL 436: Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 450: Environmental Ethics
PHP 900: Public Health Care Systems
PHP 902: Environmental Health
PHP 904: Social and Behavioral Health
PHP 905: Public Health Administration
PHP 907: Public Health Policy
PHP 908: Public Health Ethics
PHP 922: Public Health Economics
PHP 936: Global Public Health
POLT 402: American Politics and Government
POLT 403: US in World Affairs
POLT 507: Politics of Crime and Justice
PS 407: Politics Law and Contemporary Society
PS 505: Political Violence and Terrorism
PS 508: Supreme Court in US Society
PS 510: Politics of Food
PS 514: Model United Nations
PS 651: International Human Rights**
PS 702: International Relations – Interdisciplinary Approach
SOC 400: Introductory Sociology
SPAN 401: Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 402: Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 403: Review of Spanish
SPAN 503: Intermediate Spanish
THDA 441: Exploring Musical Theater
USMT 526: Social Justice and Student Leadership
This is a standing committee of the college, made up of faculty, staff and students whose mission is to support the college community in cultivating a climate that promotes human dignity and human rights, intellectual honesty and civil discourse, mutual respect and an appreciation for the uniqueness of each individual.
The Committee for Community Action & Awareness (CCAA):
- Promotes inclusion and equity and values the richness of diverse perspectives and cultures in our academic and co-curricular programs, our courses, workshops, lectures, and other aspects of campus and extra-curricular life.
- Monitors the College climate, policies, practices, and perceptions to support diversity and advocate inclusivity at the College.
- Consults and collaborates with other committees, offices, and organizations to accomplish these ends.
- Makes recommendations and reports to the Dean.
- Periodically updates the College on its work, recruits support, and sponsors public programs.
If you wish to get involved with the CCAA, please reach out to the co-chair, Keri McDonough at keri.mcdonough@unh.edu
College faculty, staff and students participate in an array of inclusive excellence professional development opportunities for student access, student success and quality learning. An example of these development opportunities are:
UNH's Safe Zones Trainings are professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to advance awareness, knowledge, and skills around the services and support that we provide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) students and colleagues.
A professional development opportunity for UNH faculty, staff, and student leaders to further their understanding of social justice and diversity issues.
The University of New Hampshire is a public institution with a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity for all. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran’s status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, or activities.
Inquiries regarding discriminatory harassment should be directed to Laura Buchs, Director of Affirmative Action and Equity, Room 305 Thompson Hall, 105 Main Street, Durham, N.H. 03824, phone (603) 862-2930 (Voice) or (603) 862-1527 (TTY), fax (603) 862-2936; or to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, phone (617) 289-0111, fax (617) 289-0150.
There are various grievance procedures to provide for the resolution of complaints under this policy. Information may be obtained at the Affirmative Action and Equity Office or on the Affirmative Action and Equity website.
UNH seeks to make our campus a safe and supportive environment that cultivates learning and personal growth for all students. As part of our commitment and to comply with recent federal mandates, all entering students are required to participate in a module “Creating a Safe Campus at UNH”. The module covers federal and New Hampshire law and UNH rights, rules, responsibilities and resources concerning sexual violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and unwanted sexual contact, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
UNH Manchester works with the Director of Affirmative Action and Equity and Title IX Compliance coordinator on matters relating to Title IX.
UNH highly values mutual respect for the safety of others, care for those whose personal rights and safety have been compromised, personal responsibility and swift discipline for those who act to harm another.
The Incident Report Form is for reporting incidents of discrimination and discriminatory harassment; bias and/or hate crime; retaliation; and sexual harassment and/or violence. Anonymous reports may be submitted. By submitting a report or learning more about this type of behavior, you help us to improve our campus and community climate.
If you have observed or experienced an incident of bias or hate, discrimination and/or harassment, please submit the Incident Report Form or contact the Affirmative Action and Equity Office at affirmaction.equity@unh.edu or (603) 862-2930 Voice / (603) 862-1527 TTY / 7-1-1 Relay NH.
A sexual misconduct climate survey with a series of standard base questions was distributed to all undergraduate and graduate students in the state of New Hampshire as a required component of a new law aimed at addressing campus sexual misconduct. Spring 2022 was the first time it was conducted, and the results will be an important component in the university’s ongoing work to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence. The following survey and responses are specific to UNH Manchester.
Every allegation of sexual misconduct is disturbing. When reviewing the summary findings, please note that the definition of sexual misconduct as it relates to this survey is quite broad, so it is important to read the survey questions and responses in their entirety to best understand the results. For example, one of the findings was that 25% of participants reported experiencing at least one incident of sexual harassment by a faculty or staff member. That is an alarming statistic. The actual question, however, provides context and shows that some of the 25% is made up of students who checked yes to the following: I was treated differently because of my sex or gender identity, the faculty or staff displayed or used sexist materials in class, the faculty or staff was condescending to me because of my sex or gender, etc.
Working to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence is an ongoing commitment at UNH. Our 22 concrete steps to do so can be found here as well as their status and timeline for completion.
Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey Spring 2022