Born and raised in western Massachusetts, Dave has worn a lot of different hats throughout his professional career. After receiving his M.S. degree in physics from UVM, Dave moved to San Diego for a few years where he worked as a technical writer for several small software firms. Upon returning to New England, Dave started his own technical writing business
(JagTek) which he operated for nearly 10 years. Over the next decade, Dave served as Director of Communications and a Product Manager for two high-tech startups in Florida, a senior technical writer for Dell Inc. in Nashua, NH, and President of the Board of Directors for the "Friends of the Manchester Animal Shelter," a non-profit organization that operates the city's animal shelter as a no-kill facility. After earning a certificate in Web Development, Dave currently works as a Technology Marketing Writer and a Creative at MarketReach, Inc. in Nashua -- A B2B marketing firm. Dave has taught physics courses part-time at Manchester Community College (MCC), New Hampshire Technical Institute (NHTI), and is currently at UNH Manchester. He is happily married to his H.S. sweetheart and they have an adopted daughter from St. Petersburg, Russia.
- M.S. Physics, University of Vermont
- B.S. Physics, University of Massachusetts at Amhers
- A.S. Computer Science, Holyoke Community College
- Certificates in Audio Mixing and Audio Engineering (MCC) and Web Development (UNH)
Prior to teaching physics, Dave was an avid musician who enjoyed writing and recording music in his basement studio. Current interests include fly fishing, kayaking, camping, and domestic animals.
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church (GHCC)
Graduate Teaching Fellow of the Year (UVM, 1991)
- Physics 401
- Physics 402
Faraday method measurements of paramagnetic susceptibilities in the Curie region (1992)