Business Major (B.A.)

Business Major (B.A.)

Leadership through innovation, collaboration and real-world experience

Located in the economic heart of New Hampshire, our business program gives you the skills, resources and connections to become a successful, innovative leader. Small class sizes offer you individualized attention from faculty, while our vast network of business partners gets you the practical experience employers want.

Interested in accounting? We offer a specialized accounting option for business majors that fulfills the requirements needed to sit for the CPA exam. Learn more

What is business?

A Bachelor of Arts in business builds the skills, knowledge and experience to thrive in today’s evolving economy. This highly interdisciplinary program is designed to explore your interests and prepare you for a lucrative career in a variety of industries, including accounting, economics, technology, human resources, management and marketing. Whether you aspire to work fora high-powered firm, start up or nonprofit, or launch your own business or pursue an MBA, a business degree opens doors to many career opportunities.

Why study business at UNH Manchester?

Located in the economic heart of New Hampshire, UNH Manchester’s business program gives you the skills and connections to become a successful, innovative leader. Small class sizes offer you individualized attention from faculty, who bring years of industry experience to the classroom. Our flipped-classroom approach means you apply concepts and theories to real, hands-on work. A senior capstone brings your learning to life through an internship or project at a local business, while the senior seminar sharpens your interview, networking and personal budgeting skills. Working hand-in-hand with local businesses through internships and the capstone experience, you'll get the real-world experience and leadership skills that today's employers look for.

Potential careers

  • Accountant
  • Advertising, promotions or marketing manager
  • Auditor
  • Business, budget or financial analyst
  • Compensation/benefits manager
  • Financial advisor
  • Human resources
  • Management analyst
  • Market research analyst
  • Project manager
  • Recruiter manager
  • Sales executive
Associate Professor of Accounting
Phone: (603) 641-4374
Office: Department of Business & Public Affairs, 88 Commercial Street, RM 575, Manchester, NH 03101
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Business Grads At-A-Glance

  • 96% employed or enrolled in further education
  • $49,000 average starting salary
  • 75% of internships were paid

Curriculum & Requirements

The bachelor of arts in business has a strong interdisciplinary focus. The curriculum adheres to a philosophy that effective decision making requires a broad understanding of the institutional and cultural climate within which businesses are operating. The program uses the resources of Manchester's business community and its economic strengths to provide students with skills, knowledge, and opportunities.

The business program offers areas of focus in business economics, management (including human resources), and marketing/sales. Students with a unique interest can create a self-designed concentration with approval of their advisor and the coordinator of the business program.

The culminating capstone experience enables students to apply their knowledge in the form of an internship or applied senior project. Because this is a bachelor of arts program, students fulfill the foreign language requirement. Students have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge through community experiences and internships. Graduates of UNH Manchester's business program are in demand because they offer future employers a portfolio of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, coupled with applied experiences through internships, leading to effective communication and leadership.

For more information, contact the Office of Admissions, (603) 641-4150.

This degree plan is a sample and does not reflect the impact of transfer credit or current course offerings. UNH Manchester undergraduate students will develop individual academic plans with their professional advisor during the first year at UNH.

Sample Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
UMST 401
or UMST 402
First Year Seminar
or Transfer Seminar
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
BUS 400 Introduction to Business 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective 4
MATH 422 Mathematics for Business Applications 4
ECN 411 Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles 4
Discovery Course 4
BUS 405 Introduction to Business Computer Applications 4
Second Year
Foreign Language 4
ECN 412 Introduction to Microeconomic Principles 4
BUS 430 Introduction to Business Statistics 4
BUS 532 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4
Foreign Language 4
BUS 533 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 4
PTC 500 Business Communication 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
COMP 405
or COMP 415
Introduction to Web Design and Development
or Mobile Computing First and For Most
BUS 601 Financial Management 4
BUS 610 Marketing Principles and Applications 4
Discovery Course 4
BUS 620 Organizational Behavior 4
BUS 690 Business Program Internship 4
Discovery Course 4
Major Area of Study Course 4
Fourth Year
BUS 705 Business Ethics 4
Discovery Course 4
Major Area of Study Course 4
Major Area of Study Course 4
BUS 750
or BUS 760
Business Capstone Senior Seminar - Internship
or BUS SR SEM - Research Project
Major Area of Study Course 4
Elective 4
Elective 4
 Total Credits129-130

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

  • Each required course must be completed with a minimum grade of C-. Students must attain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in major courses required for graduation.
  • Majors cannot use BUS 430, ECN 411, or ECN 412 to satisfy both Discovery Program and major requirements.
  • Transfer students must complete at least half of their credits in the major and the 8-credit capstone experience (BUS 705 and either BUS 750 or BUS 760) in residence at UNH Manchester.
Introductory Business Core Courses
BUS 400Introduction to Business4
BUS 405Introduction to Business Computer Applications4
BUS 430Introduction to Business Statistics4
BUS 532Introduction to Financial Accounting4
BUS 533Introduction to Managerial Accounting4
ECN 411Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles4
ECN 412Introduction to Microeconomic Principles4
ENGL 401First-Year Writing4
MATH 420Finite Mathematics4
or MATH 422 Mathematics for Business Applications
or MATH 425 Calculus I
PTC 500Business Communication4
Select one course from the following:4
COMP 405
Introduction to Web Design and Development
COMP 415
Mobile Computing First and For Most
COMP 430
Systems Fundamentals
Intermediate Business Core
BUS 601Financial Management4
BUS 610Marketing Principles and Applications4
BUS 620Organizational Behavior4
BUS 690Business Program Internship 11-4
BUS 705Business Ethics 24
BUS 750Business Capstone Senior Seminar - Internship 24
or BUS 760 BUS SR SEM - Research Project
Area of Study
Select an area of study from the below.16
Total Credits81-84

Areas of Study

Business Economics
Select four courses from the following (including at least one course at 600-level or above):16
BUS 690
Business Program Internship
BUS 695
Independent Study in Business
DATA 557
Introduction to Data Science and Analytics
ECN 640
Business Law and Economics
ECN 650
Economics for Managers
Total Credits16
Data Analytics
Select four courses from the following:16
BUS 515
Introduction to Business Analytics
BUS 675
Special Topics in Business Administration
or DAT 510
Introduction to Data Analytics
DAT 535
Data Mining, Cleaning, and Visualization
DAT 610
Data Analytics and Technologies
DAT 620
Data Analytics in Business Intelligence
Total Credits16
Select four courses from the following:16
ENT 500
The Entrepreneurial Mindset
ENT 600
Launching and Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures
ENT 611
Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENT 703
Entrepreneurial Finance
ENT 707
Legalities and Ethics of Entrepreneurship
Total Credits16
Select four courses from the following:16
BUS 530
Personal Finance
BUS 645
Real Estate Investment & Finance
FNC 611
Money and Banking
FNC 612
Investment Principles
FNC 675
Financial Modeling and Decision-Making
Total Credits16
Select four courses from the following:16
BUS 453
Leadership for Managers
BUS 455
Management of Human Resources
BUS 520
Training and Development
BUS 575
Students Consulting Organizations
BUS 640
Business Communication and Conflict
BUS 690
Business Program Internship
BUS 695
Independent Study in Business
ECN 640
Business Law and Economics
ECN 650
Economics for Managers
Total Credits16
Select three courses from the following:12
BUS 565
Selling and Sales Management
BUS 661
Integrated Marketing Communication
BUS 662
Digital Marketing Applications
BUS 663
Services Marketing and Operations Management
Select one course from the following or one course not taken from the list above:4
BUS 675
Special Topics in Business Administration
BUS 690
Business Program Internship (in Marketing or Communication)
BUS 695
Independent Study in Business (Marketing/Communication Project)
COMP 405
Introduction to Web Design and Development
COMP 415
Mobile Computing First and For Most
Total Credits16
Select four courses (or 16 credit hours) with faculty approval, including at least one course at the 500-level or above.16
Total Credits16

Experiential learning is required prior to the last semester at the University. BUS 690 Business Program Internship as an internship course satisfies this requirement. Most students will take two internships at UNH Manchester - (BUS 690 Business Program Internship and BUS 750 Business Capstone Senior Seminar - Internship.)


Business Capstone Experience (two courses: BUS 705 Business Ethics and one senior business seminar [BUS 750 Business Capstone Senior Seminar - Internship or BUS 760 BUS SR SEM - Research Project], fulfills the Discovery Program capstone requirement for business majors and is taken during the senior year).

Note: Because this is a bachelor of arts program, students must fulfill a language requirement. Efforts will be made to enhance fluency through subsequent courses and community experiences.

Program Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of the Business program, students should be able to demonstrate:

  • Apply breadth and depth of knowledge about business and economic concepts, theories and methodologies, especially in the sub-field concentrations of accounting, finance, management, business ethics, leadership, organizational behavior, human resources, marketing/sales, statistics, business computer/software applications, and business data analytics, and how these varying fields are inter-related and complementary.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of data through working knowledge of office suite products such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, PowerBI or Tableau, including analysis of the data’s impact on business decision making in local, national, and global business situations.
  • Information literacy, including the ability to find, retrieve, analyze, and communicate information from online or traditional venues in the fields of business, economics, accounting, finance, management, human resources, entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational behavior, marketing, and business ethics.
  • Effective interpersonal writing and presentation skills in all types of business and professional communications: memoranda, case studies, analytical reports, data visualizations, slide presentations, and project reports, along with the ability to convey this information with audiences in the private and public sectors, including the ability to lead discussion groups and multi-task project teams.
  • Professionalism in the workplace, including sensitivity to cultural differences and an appreciation for the diversity of human experience and perspectives, as well as an understanding of the meaning of engaged citizenship as members of an ethical business community.

Explore Program Details

As the largest undergraduate major in the U.S., studying business opens doors to limitless career and graduate education opportunities. The skills you’ll develop can be translated to an impactful career in virtually any field, from finance to marketing to government and more. A survey of our recent graduates showed 96 percent were employed or enrolled in further education within six months of graduation, and those who entered the workforce reported an average starting salary of $55,000. 

The demand for business-savvy graduates is growing, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting positive growth in many related professions between 2012 and 2024. Not only are your career possibilities vast, but many also come with lucrative salaries.

Job Title
Job Growth
Median Salary
Accountant or Auditor 11% $67,190
Administrative Services Manager 8% $86,110
Advertising, Promotions or Marketing Manager 9% $124,850
Budget Analyst 3% $71,590
Compensation and Benefits Managers 6% $111,430
Financial Analyst 12% $80,310
Management Analysts 14% $81,320
Market Research Analyst 19% $62,150
Human Resources Manager 9% $104,440
Personal Financial Advisor 30% $89,160

Learn more about career planning


Our campus is in the heart of the region’s cultural, economic, entertainment and government activity — putting unlimited internship opportunities at your doorstep. With access to more than 7,000 businesses in the area, you can get your foot in the door with a special research project or an internship, which 95 percent of our business students complete. We’ve partnered with local businesses to give you the real-world experience that sets you apart — and an added bonus is that 75 percent of internships for our business students are paid positions. Business majors have interned at many high-profile organizations in the area, including:

  • Advance Technology
  • Alpha Loft
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Stay Work Play

Learn more about internships


With continued growth in career opportunities in the field, an accounting minor is a valuable addition to any major.


Enhance your degree with our business minor, which gives you a foundation of desirable business skills and a valuable credential to add to your portfolio and resume.


The entrepreneurship minor is designed to give you the mindset, skills and experience to start your own venture or enhance the success of existing businesses.


Add to your marketability with the forensic accounting minor, which gives you the skills and techniques to examine, detect and prevent fraudulent activity in a range of business, governmental and legal venues.

Political Economy

Add a breadth of perspective to your degree with our political economy minor, helping you land a career in government, public service, business, communications or law.

View all minors

In partnership with the New Hampshire community colleges below, we've developed a pathway to show you which courses at your community college will transfer into UNH Manchester's business program. 

See the complete list of Pathways

Program & Campus News

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