Undergraduate Research Conference

UNH Manchester URC poster presentations


Registering for the 2025 Undergraduate Research Conference

April 21-26

Thank you for your interest in the 2025 URC! We look forward to having you present your research, scholarship, and creative works. Before registering, please take note of the following:

1. You will need the following information to register:

  • The title of your presentation.
  • Your faculty mentor's name ("Research Adviser").
  • The event(s) at which you will be presenting.
  • Information for all "Student Presenters" (yourself and others, if a group project), including UNH email address (USE FORMAT: First Name.Last Name@unh. edu) 

2. There are 25+ URC events open for registration in the database. Please be sure to scroll through, read descriptions carefully, and select the appropriate event/s. You can sign up for more than one event.

3. Each event will be handled in its own unique way. While all events are taking place in person, some might operate using a hybrid model. If you have questions about the timing or the requirements of any event, please reach out to the specific Event Coordinator. After registration, Event Coordinators will also be in contact with you.

Registration closes on Wednesday, March 5 at 11:59 PM

Register Now

The URC is open to all undergraduates from all majors, making it unique in its academic diversity. You have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in one of the largest undergraduate research conferences in the country a standout addition to any resume
  • Sharing your work with friends, family and the UNH and local communities in a professional conference setting
  • Develop a close, focused relationship with a faculty mentor

The URC is one of the largest and most diverse conferences of its kind in the nation, showcasing student work from every discipline and major at UNH. The conference features over 20 events and 1,800 student presenters, with 300+ UNH faculty members serving as advisers. The role you play in teaching and supporting students with their research cannot be overstated. By encouraging your students to participate in the URC you are giving them their first taste of a professional-level conference.

Click here for more information and to view the Faculty Resource Guide.

If you have questions, please review the URC FAQs, or contact UNH Manchester Project Coordinator Mary Young.

  1. Chat with your faculty mentor. Your first step is to chat with your faculty adviser about presenting at the URC
  2. Review URC info. Read through the information on UNH's URC pages so you know what to expect and which steps to take.
  3. Register. Register for the URC by completing the URC registration form. For questions, please contact Mary Young at mary.young@unh.edu.

You'll need the following information to register your project

  • The title of your presentation
  • Your faculty mentor's name ("Adviser")
  • The event(s) at which you will be presenting.
  • Information for other presenters ("Authors") including name, major, class/rank and home town/home state

Preparing for the URC can be exciting, but also stressful. For many students this is the first time they have ever produced a scientific research poster or presented their findings in a PowerPoint presentation.

Here are some resources to help make your URC participation an unforgettable and rewarding experience:

Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support of this year’s event!

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