Communication Arts & Sciences

Communication Arts & Sciences
students in communication arts class

The Department of Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) attracts students looking to build skills critical to contemporary arts, communities, and markets. CAS students are superlative critical and creative thinkers, accomplished oral and written communicators, and disciplined leaders and collaborators. The skills our students develop are central to every major sphere of activity in the digital age, including digital media arts and production, innovative emerging media, professional and technical communications, and information literacy. CAS courses also underscore the need for the healthy integration of technology into our personal and communal spaces, and so the Department focuses, too, on ethics and justice, the study of logic and language, service to marginalized communities, and social, cultural, and political philosophy. Across all its fields and subfields, CAS encourages our students to develop transferable skills by working across disciplines to recognize and harness the common currents shaping our culture, communities, and modes of communication.

Besides having access to a wide array of courses addressing contemporary concerns in business, technology, communications, civics, and the arts, our students enjoy state of the art technology, a diverse faculty of accomplished teachers and researchers, and a flexible curriculum that encourages them to pursue customized, cross-disciplinary, career-oriented study and research. Our graduates develop the knowledge and skills to advance in a wide variety of professions, from business to the law, public service to the media arts, the library sciences to graduate study in disciplines ranging across the humanities.